Thursday, March 10, 2011

40 Days 40 Nights

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday and Angelina and I were able to attend Mass with my Mom.  We went to the Church where my sister was married in, that's already been over a year ago.  Father Brian, truly an amazing Priest. 

At the 9:00 mass, the School Children attended also and even read the readings to us.  That in itself made it extra special.  During the Homily, Father told a story geared towards the children, and in simple terms for them, shared with us that during this season of Lent...,

there are things that we need to survive,

somethings are nice to have but not necessary,

and there are things that we need to add into our lives to make us better Christians. 

It was put in such a beautiful way where the children understood, but also the adults in the room understood as well. 

I know God has a plan for me, just as he does with everyone.  And its almost like a secret, or present under the Christmas Tree, you just want to know what it is.  You want to make sure your on the right path, you just want to skip to the "best" part, you want God to just tell you already. 
But part of the journey is...

 the journey itself. 

Imagine skipping to the best part of a movie or book, without the beginning the "best" part won't seem that good after all.  I want to begin to see my journey as the best part...the best part of what?  That I'm not sure, but I want the best to be the best that is can be!  So to reach that I have to walk and take baby steps.

During this time of Lent I am going to start taking those steps.  I know we are taught that Lent is a time of fasting, giving up something.
 Most people I know will give up something unhealthy, chocolate, sweets, pop, coffee, ect. 
And all those are wonderful things, each time you want to reach for it you will remember why you are giving it up to begin with. 
That's the important part. 

 For me this during this season I want to become closer to God, and instead of "giving up" something, I'm choosing to

 Give Myself something. 

To grow as a Christian and a better Me.  I am not 100% sure how I am going to go about this, but I'm sure God will lead me in the direction that is right for me!

Angelina and Me after Mass with our Ashes

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